Online shopping giants bet on AI to curb clothes returns

From sizing advice via selfies to robot stock-takers, online shopping behemoths have increasingly turned to artificial intelligence in a bid to stem the flow of bad-for-business clothes returns. Since July 2023 the German heavyweight retailer has adopted its own AI-driven sizing tool where customers help avoid returns "by taking two photos of themselves with their phone while wearing tight-fitting clothes" Besides sizing, e-commerce firms are also counting on AI to help avoid returns caused by shipping errors and automate their stock counts.

Feb 17, 2025 - 21:00
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Online shopping giants bet on AI to curb clothes returns
From sizing advice via selfies to robot stock-takers, online shopping behemoths have increasingly turned to artificial intelligence in a bid to stem the flow of bad-for-business clothes returns. Since July 2023 the German heavyweight retailer has adopted its own AI-driven sizing tool where customers help avoid returns "by taking two photos of themselves with their phone while wearing tight-fitting clothes" Besides sizing, e-commerce firms are also counting on AI to help avoid returns caused by shipping errors and automate their stock counts.

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